- Organizing and navigating 7 properties’ benefits information by location and by plan on behalf of the customer
- Reviewing and tracking down Evidence of Insurability (EOI) forms distracted HR from other, important customer activities
- Communicating the results of each EOI was a daunting and time-consuming activity that consumed much of HR’s time
- Single Sign-on: APIs with Guardian’s Evidence of Insurability forms made it easy for employees to fill out the medical questions while also alleviating the need for an intermediary—such as the Account Manager or HR Director—from being involved.
- Automated Decision Notification: Guardian’s EOI decision notification integration eliminated the unnecessary admin work of tracking down employee’s EOI decisions and communicating them out. Now the employees know instantaneously whether they were approved or not.
- Open Enrollment Convenience: PlanSource technology delivered overall OE convenience to the broker through allocating plenty of time for testing and managing benefits.